Friday, September 04, 2009

Music Library: Glenn Gould, Glenn Kotche, Glenn Mercer, Glenn Miller, Glenn Phillips, Gnarls Barkley

Glenn Gould - Bach: The Art of the Fugue (1997). No short films, but a number of the pieces from Bach's Art of the Fugue performed first on organ then on piano.

Glenn Kotche - "Cheju." Minimalist percussion piece from the solo artist who also serves as Wilco's drummer.

Glenn Mercer - Wheels in Motion (2007). The frontman of the Feelies and Wake Ooloo makes an album that sounds like a solo album that the frontman of the Feelies and Wake Ooloo might make. Which is to say: it's great. Most of the Feelies are around to back him up, too. Maybe this is what led to Bill Million agreeing to get the band back together.

Glenn Miller - "Swingin' at the Seance." A spoooooooky tune circa 1929.

Glenn Phillips Band - Elevator (1987). Everything about this sounds great: an SST release of the wacky noise-guitarist from the Hampton Grease Band (which was like the Allman Brothers Band, except on some seriously weird acid). But this album leaves me colder than Steve Vai's whammy bar. The songs are jam-band lite ditties, bland whoopdedoodle good-time tunes with Philllips' admittedly talented guitar stylings on top. Actually it reminds me a bit of Eric Johnson, another skilled guitarist who makes music that leaves me wanting to shoot myself. That said, it seems that this would play well with people who subscribe to Guitar Player magazine, so I'm surprised it's out-of-print. But it's not for me, so I'm deleting it.

Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere (2006) and The Odd Couple (2008). I still think "Crazy" is a great single. So sue me. The rest of St. Elsewhere is decent enough, and The Odd Couple hums along agreeably without knocking out a knockout single.


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