Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Deadwood is just plain exhilarating. Here's my paltry attempt to write Milch-speak in a post about the first episode of this season:

On this brilliant fucking show in which sudden violence and carefully crafted intrigue (interwoven with language that would give Shakespeare a cockstand) flow like mother's milk to a suckling babe, last night's episode gave us the viewers the most insane, ballsy, provocative, breathtaking act ever seen in Deadwood (which is, as I say, truly a microcosm of humanity) in the form of one man drinking another man's whiskey. My jaw hit the floor and I said "HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!" out loud before I caught myself. Any show that can demonstrate the inner workings of power struggles with such clarity and vision deserves a goddamn Nobel Prize, not the crude assfucking its corporate overlords dealt it this month.


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Cary, NC, United States
reachable at firstname lastname (all run together) at gmail dot com

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