Thursday, May 01, 2008

Music Library: Animal Collective

Animal Collective - "Forest Gospel," Live February 9, 2001. Don't remember where I found this. It's from a radio show, sounds like, and very similar to all of Hollinndagain.

Animal Collective - Campfire Songs. Somewhat like camp counselors on acid attempting to cover one of Brian Eno's ambient albums. Not a song in the bunch, but there's a lot of strummed guitars and wordless singing.

Animal Collective - Here Comes The Indian. There was a brilliant review of this album in which Christopher Robin and his pals from the Hundred Acre Woods discussed Animal Collective while preparing for a rave. It's like that. This is the first one that sounds like Animal Collective in all its glory: lots of psychedelic loops, beats, noise, and electronics, sing-songy melodies that erupt into, well, animalistic screaming, Beach Boys harmonies, and a willingness to push the envelope wherever the songs leads, all resulting in a perfectly weird Americana experience.

Animal Collective - Live in Bristol 10/21/2003. This is a single track of an Animal Collective performance I ganked from the Internet. There's quite a few snippets of recognizable songs from Sung Tongs in and amongst the general weirdness. It's pretty trippy-delic.

Animal Collective - At the Dublab Summer 2003. Another single track of an Animal Collective performance. It's creepier (and earlier) than the Bristol performance.

Next time: More Animal Collective! Oh my god, is it obvious that I like them?


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Cary, NC, United States
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